Bull Terrier
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Hi I just became the owner of a six week old coloured Bullterrier. Her name is Tip and she is my first Bullterrier. My vet said he detected a slight h... 0 7/21/2017
Hey, I live in South Dakota USA and I was wondering if there are any breeders close to the state. I dont know where to look for 2 Standard Bull Terrie... 0 8/21/2015
Phewwww! GAS ' UPSET SOMETHING tried philipps m.of mag still gas phew 0 6/5/2015
When do female mini bull terriers have their 1st heat? and what age is it ok to breed them?,,coz i have hered different things. also,are mini,s as s... 0 1/28/2014
how to cure a bullterier from scratching his stomack and thighs without cortosone ? 0 10/15/2012