Andres Bonifacio
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  Subject Replies Date
What are the major contributions of Andres Bonifacio in Philippine Educational System? 1 2/16/2015
10 commandment of Andres bonifacio 0 1/6/2015
Why was Andres bonifacio regarded as the father of philippine revolution? 0 8/11/2014
Is andres bonifacio considered a political threat of emilio aguinaldo? 0 3/15/2014
1.what are the different accounts of Bonifacio's manner of execution? 2. Do you believe tht the bones were authentic?defend your answer. 0 2/26/2014
Is bonifacio worthy to be accorded with the title "THE GREAT PLEBIAN"defend your anwser. 0 2/26/2014
Necessity of andres bonfacio 0 1/9/2014
What is the last name of monica wife of andres bonifacio 0 1/6/2014