Amazon Rainforest
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  Subject Replies Date
What are the threats for the Amazons deforestation? 2 10/27/2016
How many uncontacted peoples occupy the Amazon rainforest? 2 10/27/2016
How old is the Amazon Forest? 1 10/26/2016
The biodiversity of the rainforest 1 9/25/2016
How long is the Forest expected to survive? 2 9/23/2016
What is the richness of the forest in terms of the animals that live there? 2 9/23/2016
Where did the name Amazon come from? 2 7/18/2014
Why is preserving the rainforest so important? 2 7/18/2014
History of the Amazon rainforest 2 7/17/2014
Deforestation of the rainforest 1 6/15/2014
What is the traditional use of hunting in the Amazon forest 1 4/22/2013
What symbolic value worldwide has the rainforest taken on? how many murders of activist peasants, union leaders, priests and lawyers have there bee... 1 4/5/2013
what is the absolute location of the amazon rainforest...? 1 1/10/2013
Who should own the Amazon rainforest? 3 3/7/2012