Who should own the Amazon rainforest?
replied to: galaxaura
Replied to: Who should own the Amazon rainforest?
Many feel that the rainforest is a treasure that belongs to everyone. Al Gore espoused this view in 1989.
replied to: tjames
Replied to: Many feel that the rainforest is a treasure that belongs to...
Some in Brazil speculate that Brazil could be invaded via the Amazon border.
replied to: galaxaura
Replied to: Who should own the Amazon rainforest?
This question is actually a controversy to the international speech which says that Amazon is a humanity heritage. So based on that no one should own it.
But my opinion is that I believe that the sovereignty of a country should NOT be put in question here, not Brazil which has the majority of the amazon forest, neither Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. If foreign countries destroyed their forests and natural resources, that's their problem alone. We should not pay for the incompetence of the others. We take a good care of our own Amazon forest, the illegal logging has been greatly reduced, the conserved land in the Amazon Rainforest has almost tripled and deforestation rates have dropped up to 60%. Also, many indigenous territories are preserved nad they are free to pursue their way of life, comparing to the fate of the Indians in North America that have suffered a genocide. That said, I think that the Amazon Rainforest is in much better hands now than would be in any other in this planet.