Whitewash (censorship)


(1)   A specious or deceptive clearing that attempts to gloss over failings and defects
(2)   Wash consisting of lime and size in water; used for whitening walls and other surfaces
(3)   A defeat in which the losing person or team fails to score


(4)   Exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data
(5)   Cover with whitewash
"Whitewash walls"
(6)   Cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error
"Let's not whitewash the crimes of Stalin"
"She tried to gloss over her mistakes"


  1. a lime and water mixture for painting walls and fences bright white.
    • 1952: For walls plaster gave a smooth white surface; or if it was not sufficiently white, or had become discoloured, it could be brightened up with a coat of whitewash or paint. — L.F. Salzman, Building in England, p. 157.
  2. A victory without reply


  1. To paint over with a lime and water mixture so as to brighten up a wall or fence.
    The houses looked very bright when they whitewashed the whole neighborhood.
  2. To cover over errors or bad actions.
    In his sermon, the minister didn't try to whitewash over the sins of his church.
  3. To prevent a team from scoring any runs.