(1) Terms of abuse for a masturbator
- A person who wanks.
- An idiot, a stupid, annoying or ineffectual person.
- Someone who shows off too much. Someone who is overly proud of himself.
Usage notes
This term has been used openly in British and Australian film and television productions in reference to the second term of use (i.e. an idiot in the pejorative sense). The term has been picked up and used extensively by American television producers and writers who use it freely to mean a simpleton, apparently not realizing it is taboo slang and not appropriate to the use or context - much less the target audience - to which it is applied.
In the UK and former British territories it is not taboo. It can be used as an affectionate if somewhat crude reference to a friend e.g. "Terry you wanker, where have you been". Probablyone of the lesser offensive words in the Anglo-Saxon insult vocabluary.
- masturbator
- onanist
- pickle tickler
fuckwit tosspot, tosser, bawbag, knobber, nob head jerk, jerkoff
- to be up yourself
- to love yourself
- to have tickets on oneself