(1) Unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope
"Huge government spending"
"Huge country estates"
"Huge popular demand for higher education"
"A huge wave"
"The Los Angeles aqueduct winds like an immense snake along the base of the mountains"
"Immense numbers of birds"
"At vast (or immense) expense"
"The vast reaches of outer space"
"The vast accumulation of knowledge...which we call civilization"- W.R.Inge
- Very large or wide (literally or figuratively).
- The Sahara desert is vast.
- There is a vast difference between them.
- Very great in size, amount, degree, intensity, or especially extent.
- A vast space.
- 1608: they have seemed to be together, though absent, shook hands, as over a vast, and embraced, as it were, from the ends of opposed winds. — William Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale, I.i
- firm; fast (as in tight)
- Een knoop is een manier om een lijn (touw) min of meer blijvend ergens aan vast te maken, of om twee touwen aan elkaar vast te maken. — A knot is a manner of fastening more or less permanently a line of rope to someplace, or of fastening a pair of ropes to each other.
- solid (i.e. in the solid state)
- perennial
- singular present tense of vasten
- imperative form of vasten