A feminine form of the male given name Ulric ( German Ulrich), Germanic for "ruler of all" or "wolf ruler" or "wolf power".
- 1819 - Sir Walter Scott, Ivanhoe, chapter XXX
- Farewell, Front-de-Boeuf! — May Mista, Skogula, and Zernebock, gods of the ancient Saxons – fiends, as the priests now call them – supply the place of comforters at your dying bed, which Ulrica now relinquishes!
- 1975 - Jorge Luis Borges, The Book of Sand, "Ulrica"
- "Forever is a word forbidden to men," asserted Ulrica and, to lighten the emphasis, she asked me to repeat my name, which she had not caught. "Javier Otárola," I told her. She tried to repeat it and couldn't. I failed, equally, with the name Ulrikke.
Related terms
- diminutives: Rica, Rika, Ricka, Ricki, Rickie, Ricky, Rikki, Rikkie, Rikky
Proper noun
- , a less common spelling of Ulrika.