Trumpet (satellite)
(1) A brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone; has a narrow tube and a flared bell and is played by means of valves
(2) Utter in trumpet-like sounds
"Elephants are trumpeting"
(3) Proclaim on, or as if on, a trumpet
"Liberals like to trumpet their opposition to the death penalty"
(4) Play or blow on the trumpet
- A musical instrument of the brass family, generally tuned to the key of B-flat.
- The royal herald sounded a trumpet to announce their arrival.
- In an orchestra or other musical group, a musician that plays the trumpet.
- The trumpets were assigned to stand at the rear of the orchestra pit.
- The cry of an elephant.
- The large bull gave a basso trumpet as he charged the hunters.
- To sound loudly, be amplified
- The music trumpeted from the speakers, hurting my ears.
- To play the trumpet.
- Cedric made a living trumpeting for the change of passersby in the subway.
- Of an elephant, to make its cry.
- The circus trainer cracked the whip, signaling the elephant to trumpet.
- To proclaim loudly; to promote enthusiastically
- Andy trumpeted Jane's secret across the school, much to her embarrassment.
- Bill has trumpeted the cause of debt relief for Africa far and wide.