Subdivision (film)


(1)   The act of subdividing; division of something previously divided
(2)   A section of a section; a part of a part; i.e., a part of something already divided
(3)   A self-contained part of a larger composition (written or musical)
"He always turns first to the business section"
"The history of this work is discussed in the next section"
(4)   An administrative division of some larger or more complex organization
"A branch of Congress"
(5)   An area composed of subdivided lots


  1. a division into smaller pieces of something that has already been divided; to separate something
    Subdivide the sentence into pieces and understand it a bit at a time.
  2. such a piece that has been divided
    Work on one subdivision at a time.
  3. a parcel of land has been divided into lots
  4. a group of houses created by the same builder or in the same general area
    They're putting in a new subdivision out past Black Ranch Road.