

(1)   Fish of western Atlantic: Cape Cod to Brazil
(2)   Device consisting of the parts on which something can slide along
(3)   A long narrow carpet
(4)   A baseball player on the team at bat who is on base (or attempting to reach a base)
(5)   A person who is employed to deliver messages or documents
"He sent a runner over with the contract"
(6)   Someone who travels on foot by running
(7)   A trained athlete who competes in foot races
(8)   Someone who imports or exports without paying duties
(9)   A horizontal branch from the base of plant that produces new plants from buds at its tips


  1. Agent noun of run; somebody who runs.
  2. A quick escape away from a scene.
    He did a runner after robbing the drugstore
  3. A type of soft-soled shoe originally intended for runners, cf trainer; a sneaker.
  4. A part of an apparatus that moves quickly
    After the cycle completes, the runner travels back quickly to be in place for the next cycle.
  5. A mechanical part intended for wheels to run on or to slide against another surface.
  6. A strip of fabric used to decorate a table.
    The red runner makes the table so festive.
  7. A long, narrow carpet for a high traffic area such as a hall or stairs.
    How about we put down a clear runner in the front hall.
  8. (scuffleball) a forward playing position.
  9. a player who runs for a batsman who is too injured to run; he is dressed exactly as the injured batsman, and carries a bat.
  10. A player who runs the bases.
  11. A person (from one or the other team) who runs out onto the field during the game to take verbal instructions from the coach to the players. A runner mustn't interfere with play, and may have to wear an identifying shirt to make clear his or her purpose on the field.
    The runner was out at second.
  12. A part of a cigarette that is burning unevenly.
  13. A long stolon sent out by a plant (such as strawberry), in order to root new plantlets.