Roar (UK TV series)


(1)   A very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal)
"His bellow filled the hallway"
(2)   A deep prolonged loud noise
(3)   The sound made by a lion


(4)   Laugh unrestrainedly and heartily
(5)   Utter words loudly and forcefully
"`Get out of here,' he roared"
(6)   Make a loud noise, as of wind, water, or vehicles
"The wind was howling in the trees"
"The water roared down the chute"
(7)   Emit long loud cries
"Wail in self-pity"
"Howl with sorrow"
(8)   Make a loud noise, as of animal
"The bull bellowed"
(9)   Act or proceed in a riotous, turbulent, or disorderly way
"Desperadoes from the hills regularly roared in to take over the town"-R.A.Billington


Old English rārian, from Germanic. Cognate with German röhren.


  1. To make a loud, deep cry, especially from pain, anger, or other strong emotion.
  2. To laugh in a particularly loud manner.
  3. Of animals (especially the lion), to make a loud deep noise.
  4. Generally, of inanimate objects etc., to make a loud resounding noise.


  1. A long, loud, deep shout made with the mouth wide open.
  2. The cry of the lion.
  3. The deep cry of the bull.
  4. A loud sound as of a motorbike or a similar engine.
  5. A show of strength or character.