(1) The process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort)
"He has total recall of the episode"
(2) The ability to recall past occurrences
(3) Something recalled to the mind
Via récollection or the verb recollect, both from recollectus, the past participle of , itself from re- + colligere 'to gather'
- The act of recollecting, or recalling to the memory; the operation by which objects are recalled to the memory, or ideas revived in the mind; reminiscence; remembrance.
- The power of recalling ideas to the mind, or the period within which things can be recollected; remembrance
- Alas that distant event isn't within my recollection anymore.
- That which is recollected; something called to mind; a reminiscence.
- One of his earliest recollections." - Thomas Babington Macaulay.
- (also spelled re-collection) The act or practice of collecting or concentrating the mind; concentration; self-control.
- From such an education Charles contracted habits of gravity and recollection.