- A popular ball game played by wizards and witches on flying broomsticks in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books.
- An intercollegiate sport based on the sport in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books.
- 2001 Virginia A. Walter: Children & Libraries: Getting It Right (page 107)
- We can disinfect headsets and teach a group of fifth graders how to play library quidditch.
- 2003 Read This Book Or You're Grounded!: A Secret Guide to Surviving Home (page 39) http://books.google.co.uk/books?um=1&lr=&q=%22a+spot+on+the+local+Quidditch+team%22&btnG=Search+Books
- Maybe you wish your parents were smarter or funnier or richer or better looking, but you might as well wish for a spot on the local Quidditch team.
- 2007 Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2007 (page 499)
- Whichever team gets Yegor holds the edge. This is like Quidditch in hell.
- 2007 Ethan Todras-Whitehill: In Tikal, Temples in the Mist; The New York Times December 16, 2007 http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/16/travel/16Tikal.html?8br
- Turn to the south, and you see the Central Acropolis, a five-story palace where the nobles might have sat to watch plaza ceremonies or the famous Quidditch-like Mayan ball games.