Pom (comics)
(1) A disparaging term for English immigrants to Australia or New Zealand
A contraction of pomegranate, rhyming slang for immigrant (“imme-granate”). The older term of Jimmy Grant, meaning immigrant, became Pommy Grant as the Australian sun turned the immigrant’s skin pomegranate red.
Many folk etymologies also exist:
- A devolution of “Prisoner of His/Her Majesty” or “POHM”
- An acronym for “Prisoner of Mother England”
- An American alcoholic drink containing vodka and pomegranate juice.
- An Englishman, A Briton, A person of British descent.
Usage notes
The use of this word to refer to a British person is considered by some to be pejorative. The word is, however, used by many Australians and some British people as a neutral or even affirmative term. It can however still be offensive.