Pap (village)


(1)   The small projection of a mammary gland
(2)   Worthless or oversimplified ideas
(3)   A diet that does not require chewing; advised for those with intestinal disorders

Etymology 1

Origins unclear. Related to Middle Low German , Dutch , Old French /, and Latin , among others. The relationships between these words are difficult to reconstruct.


  1. Food in the form of a soft paste, often a porridge, especially as given to very young children.
    Pap and wors is traditionally eaten at a braai.
  2. Nonsense.
  3. (South African) porridge.


  1. (South African slang): Spineless, wet, without character.
    • He is so pap and boring.

Etymology 2

Circa 12th century, possibly from an Old Norse source, but no possible etymons are recorded until much later. See also Latin .


  1. Female breast.
    • 1603, John Florio, translating Michel de Montaigne, Folio Society 2006, vol. 1 p. 98:
      they doe not onely weare jewels at their noses, in their lip and cheekes, and in their toes, but also big wedges of gold through their paps [tr. tetins] and buttocks [...].

Etymology 3

Shortened form of Pap smear from Georgios Papanikolaou, American physician.


  1. (South African slang): Flat
    • I got a puncture and the wheel went pap.


  1. Of a paparazzo, to take a surreptitious photograph of (someone, especially a celebrity) without their consent.
    Look, that pop star’s been papped in her bikini again!