

(1)   Informal terms for a human head
(2)   A ribbonlike strip of pasta


  1. A string or strip of pasta, especially as used in Chinese food.
    Although "spaghetti" is considered to be Italian, Marco Polo brought the noodle back from the Far East.
  2. A person with poor judgement; a fool.
    • 1854, Charles Dickens, Hard Times
      Nothing that a Noodle does, can awaken surprise or indignation; the proceedings of a Noodle can only inspire contempt.
  3. The brain.


  1. To fish (usually for very large catfish) without any equipment other than the fisherman's own body
    Fred had several lacerations on his hands from noodling for flathead in the river.
  2. To think or ponder.
    He noodled over the problem for a day or two before making a decision.
    "Noodle that thought around for a while" said Dr. Johnson to his Biblical Interpretations class
  3. To fiddle, play with, or mess around.
    If the machine is really broken, noodling with the knobs is not going to fix it.
  4. To improvise music.
    He has been noodling with that trumpet all afternoon, and every bit of it sounds awful.