(1) Functioning correctly and ready for action
"All systems are go"
(2) A board game for two players who place counters on a grid; the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's counters
(3) A usually brief attempt
"He took a crack at it"
"I gave it a whirl"
(4) Street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine
(5) A time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else)
"It's my go"
"A spell of work"
(6) Enter or assume a certain state or condition
"He became annoyed when he heard the bad news"
"It must be getting more serious"
"Her face went red with anger"
"She went into ecstasy"
"Get going!"
(7) Follow a certain course
"The inauguration went well"
"How did your interview go?"
(8) Pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life
"She died from cancer"
"They children perished in the fire"
"The patient went peacefully"
"The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102"
(9) Be abolished or discarded
"These ugly billboards have to go!"
"These luxuries all had to go under the Khmer Rouge"
(10) Stop operating or functioning
"The engine finally went"
"The car died on the road"
"The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"
"The coffee maker broke"
"The engine failed on the way to town"
"Her eyesight went after the accident"
(11) Progress by being changed
"The speech has to go through several more drafts"
"Run through your presentation before the meeting"
(12) Have a turn; make one's move in a game
"Can I go now?"
(13) To be spent or finished
"The money had gone after a few days"
"Gas is running low at the gas stations in the Midwest"
(14) Be spent
"All my money went for food and rent"
(15) Perform as expected when applied
"The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in"
"Does this old car still run well?"
"This old radio doesn't work anymore"
(16) Change location; move, travel, or proceed
"How fast does your new car go?"
"We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"
"The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"
"The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"
(17) Move away from a place into another direction
"Go away before I start to cry"
"The train departs at noon"
(18) Begin or set in motion
"I start at eight in the morning"
"Ready, set, go!"
(19) Make a certain noise or sound
"She went `Mmmmm'"
"The gun went `bang'"
(20) Follow a procedure or take a course
"We should go farther in this matter"
"She went through a lot of trouble"
"Go about the world in a certain manner"
"Messages must go through diplomatic channels"
(21) Pass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or action
"How is it going?"
"The day went well until I got your call"
(22) Be or continue to be in a certain condition
"The children went hungry that day"
(23) Be awarded; be allotted
"The first prize goes to Mary"
"Her money went on clothes"
(24) Be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired
"This piece won't fit into the puzzle"
(25) Stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point
"Service runs all the way to Cranbury"
"His knowledge doesn't go very far"
"My memory extends back to my fourth year of life"
"The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets"
Etymology 1
Mainly representing , from , from . Cognate with Old High German . Past tense forms, however, have since the 15th century been replaced by forms from .
- Detailed Wikipedia article on go’s etymology
- To move from one place to another.
- Why don’t you go with us?
- This train goes to Chicago.
- To leave; to move away.
- Please don't go!
- I really must be going.
- To be given, especially to be assigned or allotted.
- The property shall go to my wife.
- The award went to Steven Spielberg.
- To extend (from one point to another).
- This property goes all the way to the state line.
- To lead (in a direction).
- Does this road go to Fort Smith?
- To elapse.
- The time went slowly.
- To start.
- Get ready, get set, go!
- To resort (to).
- I'll go to court if I have to.
- To change from one value to another.
- The price keeps going up.
- To end or disappear.
- After three days, my headache finally went.
- To be spent or used up.
- His money went on drink.
- To be discarded.
- This chair has got to go.
- To be sold.
- Everything must go.
- The car went for five thousand dollars.
- To die.
- To collapse.
- To break down or decay.
- This meat is starting to go.
- My mind is going.
- To proceed (well or poorly).
- That went well.
- How are things going?
- To work (through or over), especially mentally.
- I've gone over this a hundred times.
- Let's not go into that right now.
- To search.
- Somebody went through my things while I was out.
- To tend or contribute toward a result.
- Well, that goes to show you.
- These experiences go to make us stronger.
- To fit.
- Do you think the sofa will go through the door?
- The belt just barely went around his waist.
- To be compatible, especially visually.
- This shade of red doesn't go with the drapes.
- They go together nicely, don't you think?
- To belong (somewhere).
- My shirts go on this side of the wardrobe.
- This piece of the jigsaw goes on the other side.
- To be expressed or composed (a certain way).
- The tune goes like this.
- To take a turn, especially in a game.
- It’s your turn; go.
- To attend.
- I go to school at the schoolhouse.
- To take up a profession.
- Gone for soldiers, every one.
- She's gone to be a teacher.
- To be in a state continuously.
- I don't want my children to go hungry.
- We went barefoot in the summer.
- To survive or get by.
- How long can you go without water?
- We've gone without your help for a while now.
- To move or travel in order to do something, or to do something while moving.
- We went swimming.
- Let's go shopping.
- To make an effort.
- You didn't have to go to such trouble.
- I never thought he'd go so far as to call you.
- To date.
- How long having they been going together?
- He's been going with her for two weeks.
- To fight or attack.
- I went at him with a knife.
- To be pregnant (with).
- She goes with child.
- To work or function.
- The engine just won't go anymore.
- To have authority.
- Whatever the boss says goes, do you understand?
- To be valid or accepted.
- Anything goes around here.
- To be told; to circulate.
- There's a story going through the town about you.
- To be known or considered.
- That goes as murder in my book.
- He went by name of Sanders.
- To sound; to make a noise.
- I woke up just before the clock went.
- To urinate or defecate.
- I really need to go.
- Have you managed to go today, Mrs. Miggins?
- To do, especially to do something foolish.
- Why'd you have to go and do that?
- To walk.
- To be lost.
- To be out.
- To become. The adjective that follows usually describes a negative state.
- You'll go blind.
- I went crazy.
- After failing as a criminal, he decided to go straight.
- To move for a particular distance or in a particular fashion.
- We've only gone twenty miles today.
- This car can go circles around that one.
- To take a particular part or share.
- Let's go halves on this.
- To bet or venture (an amount).
- I'll go a ten-spot.
- To yield or weigh.
- Those babies go five tons apiece.
- To follow (a course or path).
- Let's go this way for a while.
- To offer or bid an amount.
- That's as high as I can go.
- We could go two fifty.
- To make (a specified sound).
- Cats go meow.
- To enjoy.
- I could go a beer right about now.
- To have a certain record.
- They've gone one for three in this series.
- The team is going five in a row.
- To say (something). Often used in present tense.
- I go, "As if!" And she was all like, "Whatever!"
- To think or say to oneself.
- As soon as I did it, I went "that was stupid."
- To attack.
move, travel, wend, cross depart, leave, exit, go away, go out disappear, vanish, go away; end, dissipate crumble, collapse, disintegrate, give way function, work fit, pass, stretch, come, make it belong, have a place move, make one's move, take one’s turn become, turn, change into pee go out (with), date, see
freeze, halt, remain, stand still, stay, stop come, arrive, approach remain, stay, hold
- A turn at something.
- You’ve been on it long enough—now let your brother have a go.
- A turn in a game.
- It’s your go.
- An attempt.
- I’ll give it a go.
- An approval to do something or a something that has been approved to do.
- We will begin as soon as the boss says it's a go.
Etymology 2
From the Japanese character 碁 (go), though it is usually called 囲碁 (igo) in Japanese.
- A board game, originally from China, played in East Asia, mostly in China, Japan, and Korea.
- A turn at something.
- To offer or bid an amount.
- To follow (a course or path).
- To be told; to circulate.
- To work or function.
- To be pregnant (with).
- To break down or decay.
- To collapse.