Glare (vision)
(1) An angry stare
(2) Great brightness
"A glare of sunlight"
"The flowers were a blaze of color"
(3) A focus of public attention
"He enjoyed being in the limelight"
"When Congress investigates it brings the full glare of publicity to the agency"
(4) Look at with a fixed gaze
"The girl glared at the man who tried to make a pass at her"
(5) Shine intensely
"The sun glared down on us"
(6) Be sharply reflected
"The moon glared back at itself from the lake's surface"
- An intense, blinding light.
- Showy brilliance; gaudiness.
- An angry or fierce stare.
- To stare angrily.
- He walked in late, with the teacher glaring at him the whole time.
- To shine brightly.
- The sun glared down on the desert sand.
In Lojbanized spelling.
- Chinese: re — 熱 (热) [rè]
- English: uarm — warm
- Hindi: garm — गर्म [garma]
- Spanish: kaluros — caluroso
- Russian: gariac — горячий [gorâčij]
- Arabic: xar