(1) Marked by moderate steepness
"An easy climb"
"A gentle slope"
(2) Having little impact
"An easy pat on the shoulder"
"Gentle rain"
"A gentle breeze"
"A soft (or light) tapping at the window"
(3) Having or showing a kindly or tender nature
"The gentle touch of her hand"
"Her gentle manner was comforting"
"A gentle sensitive nature"
"Gentle blue eyes"
(4) Quiet and soothing
"A gentle voice"
"A gentle nocturne"
(5) Soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe
"A gentle reprimand"
"A vein of gentle irony"
"Poked gentle fun at him"
(6) Belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy
"An aristocratic family"
"Aristocratic Bostonians"
"Aristocratic government"
"A blue family"
"Blue blood"
"The blue-blooded aristocracy"
"Of gentle blood"
"Patrician landholders of the American South"
"Aristocratic bearing"
"Aristocratic features"
"Patrician tastes"
(7) Easily handled or managed
"A gentle old horse, docile and obedient"
(8) Stroke soothingly
(9) Cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of
"She managed to mollify the angry customer"
(10) Give a title to someone; make someone a member of the nobility