(1) An escape from jail
"The breakout was carefully planned"
(2) Any frame in which a bowler fails to make a strike or spare
"The break in the eighth frame cost him the match"
(3) A sudden dash
"He made a break for the open door"
(4) The act of breaking something
"The breakage was unavoidable"
(5) An act of delaying or interrupting the continuity
"It was presented without commercial breaks"
"There was a gap in his account"
(6) (tennis) a score consisting of winning a game when your opponent was serving
"He was up two breaks in the second set"
(7) The opening shot that scatters the balls in billiards or pool
(8) A pause from doing something (as work)
"We took a 10-minute break"
"He took time out to recuperate"
(9) An abrupt change in the tone or register of the voice (as at puberty or due to emotion)
"Then there was a break in her voice"
(10) A personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)
"They hoped to avoid a break in relations"
(11) An unexpected piece of good luck
"He finally got his big break"
(12) The occurrence of breaking
"The break in the dam threatened the valley"
(13) Some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity
"The telephone is an annoying interruption"
"There was a break in the action when a player was hurt"
(14) (geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other
"They built it right over a geological fault"
"He studied the faulting of the earth's crust"
(15) Breaking of hard tissue such as bone
"It was a nasty fracture"
"The break seems to have been caused by a fall"
(16) A time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something
(17) Fracture a bone of
"I broke my foot while playing hockey"
(18) Fall sharply
"Stock prices broke"
(19) Crack; of the male voice in puberty
"His voice is breaking--he should no longer sing in the choir"
(20) Render inoperable or ineffective
"You broke the alarm clock when you took it apart!"
(21) Become separated into pieces or fragments
"The figurine broke"
"The freshly baked loaf fell apart"
(22) Happen
"Report the news as it develops"
"These political movements recrudesce from time to time"
(23) Prevent completion
"Stop the project"
"Break off the negotiations"
(24) Terminate
"She interrupted her pregnancy"
"Break a lucky streak"
"Break the cycle of poverty"
(25) Lessen in force or effect
"Soften a shock"
"Break a fall"
. Compare Dutch , German , and Gothic . Cognate with Latin .
- To end up in two or more pieces that can't easily be reassembled.
- If the vase falls to the floor, it might break.
- Of a bone, to crack or fracture through a sudden physical strain, such as a collision.
- Don't slip and break your leg.
- Then his fifth metatarsal broke.
- Of a bone, to cause to crack under physical strain.
- Don't try to break his neck.
- Of a bone, to fracture accidentally.
- Don't break your fingers playing basketball.
- To stop functioning properly or altogether.
- On the hottest day of the year the fridge broke.
- To interrupt or cease one's work or occupation temporarily.
- Let's break for lunch.
- To win a game as receiver.
- He needs to break serve to win the match.
- To make the first shot.
- Is it your or my turn to break?
- To cause to end up in two or more pieces.
- I am going to break your mask.
- To cause to malfunction or stop working altogether.
- Did you two break the trolley by racing with it?
- To cause a person or animal to lose his/her/its will, usually obtained by means of torture.
- You have to break an elephant before you can use it as an animal of burden.
- America has used many forms of torture to break their POWs.
- To do that which is forbidden by (a rule or rules).
- When you go to Vancouver, promise me you won't break the law.
- To collapse into surf, after arriving in shallow water.
- To design or use a powerful (yet legal) strategy that unbalances the game in a player's favor.
- Letting white have three extra queens would break chess.
- to disclose or make known an item of news etc
- to end
- The forecast says the hot weather will break by midweek
- To ruin financially.
- Local economic problems broke some smaller banks.
- To divide into smaller units.
- The wholesaler broke the container loads into palettes and boxes for local retailers.
- Can you break a hundred-dollar bill for me?
- to arrive
- Morning has broken.
- Dawn broke over the hills.
Usage notes
The sense relating to a spell of weather is most likely to be used after a period of persistent good or bad weather; it is rarely used to signify the end of changeable conditions.
burst, bust, shatter, shear, smash, split crack, fracture crack, fracture crack, fracture break down, bust, fail, go down (of a computer or computer network) interrupt, pause shatter, smash bust subject, tame contravene, go against, violateAntonyms
carry on, continue, go on, restart, resume assemble, fix, join, mend, put together, repair holdNoun
- An instance of breaking something into two pieces.
- The femur has a clean break and so should heal easily.
- A physical space that opens up in something or between two things.
- The sun came out in a break in the clouds.
- A rest or pause, usually from work; a breaktime.
- Let’s take a five-minute break.
- A game won by the receiving player or players (when playing doubles).
- The first shot in a game of billiards
- The number of points scored by one player in one visit to the table
- Place where waves break (ie. pitch or spill forward creating white water).
- 2005: The final break in the Greenmount area is Kirra Point. — coolangatta.net http://www.coolangatta.net/coolangatta/surfbreaks.html
- A short section of music, often between verses, in which some performers stop while others continue.
- The fiddle break was amazing, it was a pity the singer came back in on the wrong note.
- a change; the end of a spell of persistent good or bad weather