

(1)   Relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world
"Foreign nations"
"A foreign accent"
"On business in a foreign city"
(2)   Of concern to or concerning the affairs of other nations (other than your own)
"Foreign trade"
"A foreign office"
(3)   Not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something
"An economic theory alien to the spirit of capitalism"
"The mysticism so foreign to the French mind and temper"
"Jealousy is foreign to her nature"
(4)   Not belonging to that in which it is contained; introduced from an outside source
"Water free of extraneous matter"
"Foreign particles in milk"


forein from , from Vulgar Latin }, from , . Displaced native elendish, ellendish "foreign" (from elelendisc, cf ellende "foreign", elland "foreign land"), eltheodi, eltheodish "foreign" (from elþēodiġ, elþēodisc "foreign"), and non-native peregrin "foreign" (from peregrin).


  1. From a different country.
    foreign students
  2. Belonging to a different culture.
    Eating with chopsticks was a foreign concept to him
  3. Of an object, etc, in a place where it does not belong.
    foreign body
  4. From a different one of the states of the United States, as of a state of residence or incorporation.


  • (from a different country): domestic
  • (belonging to a different culture): native