

(1)   The people who live in a nation or country
"A statement that sums up the nation's mood"
"The news was announced to the nation"
"The whole country worshipped him"
(2)   A politically organized body of people under a single government
"The state has elected a new president"
"African nations"
"Students who had come to the nation's capitol"
"The country's largest manufacturer"
"An industrialized land"
(3)   A particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography)
"It was a mountainous area"
"Bible country"
(4)   The territory occupied by a nation
"He returned to the land of his birth"
"He visited several European countries"
(5)   An area outside of cities and towns
"His poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country"


, , from , from Vulgar Latin , derived from .


  1. A nation state, a political entity asserting ultimate authority over a geographical area.
    Australia is both a country and a continent.
  2. A former independent nation state (e.g., England or Scotland).
  3. A rural area, as opposed to a town or city; countryside.
    I come from the country — I'd hate to live in the city now, I'm so used to the woodland and meadows.
    These animals are now found only in the high country.
  4. Short for country music, a genre of popular music that has rural Southern roots and embraces numerous subgenres and styles.


  1. From the countryside or connected with it.
  2. Of or connected to country music.