Flute (glacial)


(1)   A high-pitched woodwind instrument; a slender tube closed at one end with finger holes on one end and an opening near the closed end across which the breath is blown
(2)   A groove or furrow in cloth etc (particularly a shallow concave groove on the shaft of a column)
(3)   A tall narrow wineglass


(4)   Form flutes in


  1. A woodwind instrument consisting of a metal, wood or bamboo tube with a row of circular holes and played by blowing across a hole in the side of one end or through a narrow channel at one end against a sharp edge, while covering none, some or all of the holes with the fingers to vary the note played.
  2. A glass with a long, narrow bowl and a long stem, used for drinking wine, especially champagne.
  3. A helical groove going up a drill bit which allows the drilled out material to come up out of the hole as it's drilled.
  4. A semicylindrical vertical groove in a pillar.


  1. To cut a semicylindrical vertical groove in a pillar.