FER (gene)
- far
- , line 493
- Wide was his parish, and houses fer asonder.
- , line 493
Related terms
- feral
- feram
- ferament
- feredat
- ferejar
- feresa
- ferest
- ferestament
- feréstec
- ferestegament
- ferí
- porc fer
- make.
- Fer vinagre.
- To make vinagre.
- Quatre i quatre fan vuit.
- Four and four make eight.
- Fer vinagre.
- make up
- Els jubilats fan un quart de la població.
- Retired people make up a quarter of the population.
- turn into
- Fer d'un enemic un aliat.
- To turn an enemy into an ally.
- Fer d'un enemic un aliat.
- give
- El primer marit li va fer dos fills.
- Her first husband gave her two sons.
- Feu-me mig quilo de formatge.
- Give me half a kilo of cheese.
- lay
- La canària ha fet un ou.
- The canary has laid an egg.
- La canària ha fet un ou.
- produce
- Aquesta terra fa molt bon blat.
- This land produces very good wheat.
- Aquesta terra fa molt bon blat.
- do
- cause
- go
- make do
- cause to be done
- play
- measure
- : he, she, it goes.
From , from , from .