(1) Suggesting the operation of supernatural influences
"An eldritch screech"
"The three weird sisters"
"Stumps...had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures"- John Galsworthy
"An unearthly light"
"He could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din"- Henry Kingsley
from earlier elrich, equiv. to OE (see else ) + rīċe "realm, kingdom" (see rich ); hence “of a strange country, pertaining to the Otherworld”; cf. OE ellende "in a foreign land, exiled" (c. Ger. Elend "penury, distress"), Runic Norse alja-markir "foreigner"
- 1790 — Robert Burns, Tam o' Shanter
- So Maggie runs, the witches follow,
Wi' mony an eldritch skriech and hollo.
- So Maggie runs, the witches follow,
- 1798 — Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere
- I look'd upon the rotting Sea,
And drew my eyes away;
I look'd upon the eldritch deck
And there the dead men lay.
- I look'd upon the rotting Sea,
- 1850 — Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, ch VII
- Pearl, in utter scorn of her mother's attempt to quiet her, gave an eldritch scream, and then became silent.
- 1886 — Robert Louis Stevenson, Kidnapped, ch 2
- And the woman, whose voice had risen to a kind of eldritch sing-song, turned with a skip, and was gone.
- 1922 — Clark Ashton Smith, Remembered Light
- Till the twilight shivered with outcry of eldritch voices
Like pain's last cry ere oblivion
- Till the twilight shivered with outcry of eldritch voices
- 1925 — H. P. Lovecraft, Supernatural Horror in Literature
- The Scandinavian Eddas and Sagas thunder with cosmic horror, and shake with the stark fear of Ymir and his shapeless spawn; whilst our own Anglo-Saxon Beowulf and the later Continental Nibelung tales are full of eldritch weirdness.
- 1936 — Robert E. Howard, The Hour of the Dragon, ch 19
- Like phantoms they passed across his limited range of vision and vanished, with only a fading glow to tell of their passing. Their appearance was indescribably eldritch. They were not Stygians, not anything Conan had ever seen. He doubted if they were even humans. They were like black ghosts, stalking ghoulishly along the haunted tunnels.