

(1)   Having the appearance of being real but lacking capacity to function
"A dummy corporation"


(2)   A cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet
(3)   A figure representing the human form
(4)   An ignorant or foolish person
(5)   A person who does not talk


(6)   Make a dummy of
"Dummy up the books that are to be published"


  1. A silent person; a person who does not talk.
  2. An unintelligent person.
    • Don't be such a dummy!
  3. A figure of a person or animal used by a ventriloquist; a puppet.
  4. Something constructed with the size and form of a human, to be used in place of a person.
    • To understand the effects of the accident, we dropped a dummy from the rooftop.
  5. A deliberately nonfunctional device or tool used in place of a functional one.
    • The hammer and drill in the display are dummies.
  6. A pacifier.
    • The baby wants her dummy.
  7. The partner of the winning bidder, who shows his or her hand.
  8. A bodily gesture meant to fool an opposing player in sport; feint.
  9. A word serving only to make a construction grammatical.
    • The pronoun "it" in "It's a mystery why this happened" is a dummy.
  10. An unused parameter or value.
    • If flag1 is false, the other parameters are dummies.



  1. To make a mock-up or prototype version of something, without some or all off its intended functionality.
    The carpenters dummied some props for the rehearsals.