Detroit Auto Vehicle Company


  1. A reward of victory or a mark of honor.
  2. A royal, imperial or princely headdress; a diadem.
  3. A representation of such a headdress, as in heraldry; it may even be that only the image exists, no physical crown, as in the case of the kingdom of Belgium; by analogy such crowns can be awarded to moral persons that don't even have a head, as the mural crown for cities in heraldry
  4. A wreath or band for the head.
  5. Imperial or regal power, or those who wield it.
    Treasure trove automatically becomes property of the Crown.
  6. The topmost part of the head.
  7. The highest part a hill.
  8. The top part of a hat.
  9. The raised centre of a road.
  10. The highest part of an arch.
  11. Splendor, finish, culmination.
    crown achievement
  12. Any currency (originally) issued by the crown (regal power) and often bearing a crown (headdress)
  13. Specifically, a former British coin worth five shillings.

  1. The part of a plant where the root and stem meet.
  2. The part of a tooth above the gums.
  3. A prosthetic covering for a tooth.
  4. A knot formed in the end of a rope by tucking in the strands to prevent them from unravelling
  5. The part of an anchor where the arms and the shank meet
  6. A standard size of printing paper measuring 20 inches x 15 inches.
  7. A monocyclic ligand having three or more binding sites, capable of holding a guest in a central location


award, garland, honor/honour, prize, wreath coronet garland, wreath monarchy, royalty apex, top apex, peak, summit, top top completion, culmination, finish, splendor/splendour corona


  1. Of, related to, or pertaining to a crown.
    crown prince
  2. Of, related to, pertaining to the top of a tree or trees.
    a crown fire


  1. To place a crown on the head of.
  2. To formally declare (someone) a king or emperor.
  3. To declare (someone) a winner.
  4. Of a baby, during the birthing process; for the surface of the baby's head to appear in the vaginal opening.
    The mother was in the second stage of labor and the fetus had just crowned, prompting a round of encouragement from the midwives.
  5. To hit on the head
  6. To shoot an opponent in the back of the head with a shotgun in a first-person shooter video game.
  7. In checkers, to stack two checkers to indicate that the piece has become a king.
    Crown me!” I said, as I moved my checker to the back row.