(1) A notable achievement
"He performed a great deed"
"The book was her finest effort"
(2) A legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it
"He signed the deed"
"He kept the title to his car in the glove compartment"
From , , from , from . Cognate with Dutch , German , Swedish . The PIE root is also the source of Ancient Greek , Latin .
- An action or act; something that is done.
- I will punish whomever is responsible for this deed!
- A brave or noteworthy action; a feat or exploit.
- The knight's deeds won the hearts of the people.
- Action or fact, as opposed to rhetoric or deliberation.
- I have fulfilled my promise in word and in deed.
- A legal contract showing bond.
- I inherited the deed to the house.
- To transfer real property by deed.
- He deeded over the mineral rights to some fellas from Denver.