(1) One paid to accompany or assist or live with another
(2) A person who is frequently in the company of another
"Drinking companions"
"Comrades in arms"
(3) A traveler who accompanies you
(4) Be a companion to somebody
From compaignon (French: compagnon), from Low companion- (nominative companio) from (with + bread), first attested in the Lex Salica as a translation of a word represented by gahlaiba "messmate" from (with + bread), galeipo from (with + bread). More at co-, loaf.
- A friend, acquaintance, or partner; someone with whom one spends time or keeps company
- His dog has been his trusted companion for the last five years.
- A person employed to accompany or travel with another.
- The framework on the quarterdeck of a sailing ship through which daylight entered the cabins below.
- The covering of a hatchway on an upper deck which leads to the companionway; the stairs themselves.
- A knot in whose neighborhood another, specified, knot meets every meridian disk.