- A friend or companion.
- 1839, J. P. and W. P. Robertson, Letters from Paraguay, comprising an account of four years residence in that republic, under the dictator Francia. John Murray (London), p. 339.
- Whenever he had a compadre or a friend, it was his bounden duty to do him some service.
- 1839, J. P. and W. P. Robertson, Letters from Paraguay, comprising an account of four years residence in that republic, under the dictator Francia. John Murray (London), p. 339.
- Godfather (for the godchild's parents, not for the godchild, for whom he is called padrino).
- Godparent (id.).
- The godchild's father (for the godfather or godmother, not for the godchild)
- Friend.
- consuegro.
- binge or partying habitual companion.
- person of the generation whose parents fought in Argentina's war of independence from Spain.
- (Nicaragua) (Colloquial) The relation between a man and his wife's lover, or in the case of divorce, the relation between the previous and current husband. In general, the relation between two men who have been involved with the same woman.