- A hotchpotch, a mixture; especially a piece made up of quotations from other authors.
- 2007: Paradise Lost, as Teskey observes, is a cento, a vast echo chamber of classical texts, all twisted into new shapes. — William Poole, ‘Out of his Furrow’, London Review of Books 29:3, p. 16
Usage notes
The indeclinable form means "one hundred" only. To say "one hundred one", the combining form cento is used, as cento un or cento unha. Likewise, "one hundred thirty" is cento trinta, and "one hundred fifty-four" is cento cincuenta e catro.
From , from .
Related terms
- centavo
- centenario
- centennale
- centenne
- centennio
- centerbe
- centesima
- centesimale
- centesimo
- centiara
- centigrado
- centigrammo
- centile
- centilitro
- centiloquio
- centimano
- centimetrare
- centimetrato
- centimetrico
- centimetro
- centinaio
- centinodia
- centodieci
- centofoglie
- centogambe
- centometrista
- centomila
- centomillesimo
- centone
- centonervia
- centopelle
- centopiedi
- centotredici
- centouno
- centumvirale
- centumvirato
- centumviro
- centuplicare
- centuplice
- centuplo
- centuria
- centuriare
- centurione
- per cento