

(1)   A cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt


(2)   Show displeasure, as after a performance or speech


  1. A loud exclamation intended to scare someone, especially a child. Usually used when one has been hidden from the victim and then suddenly appeared unexpectedly.
  2. A word used ironically in a situation where one might have scared someone, but said someone was not scared. Not said as loudly as in definition 1.
  3. A word used by someone who is inherently scary, such as a ghost or a vampire, to make a weaker person who is scared stiff flee. Usually used quietly, as with definition 2.
  4. An exclamation used by a member of an audience, as at a stage play or sports game, to indicate derision or disapproval of what has just occurred.


  1. A derisive shout (as interjection definition 4 above).
  2. A close acquaintance or significant other.


  1. To shout extended boos derisively.
    When he took the podium, the crowd booed.
    • 2004, The New Yorker, 18 Oct 2004
      Nobody booed and nobody clapped
  2. To derisively shout extended boos at.
    The protesters loudly booed the visiting senator.


  1. I cry aloud, bellow, roar; bray.
    • c. 123-180 ADLucius Apuleius Platonicus, Metamorphoses, 7.3
      sed in prima remansi voce et identidem boavi
      but I stayed stuck on the first syllable and brayed it repeatedly
  2. I call loudly upon; bellow, cry or roar forth.


  1. To bow, to stoop.
  2. To bend, to curve.
  3. To make something bend or curve.