(1) The option to buy a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date
(2) (sports) the decision made by an umpire or referee
"He was ejected for protesting the call"
(3) A visit in an official or professional capacity
"The pastor's visits to his parishioners"
"A visit to a dentist"
"The salesman's call on a customer"
(4) A brief social visit
"Senior professors' wives no longer make afternoon calls on newcomers"
"The characters in Henry James' novels are forever paying calls on each other, usually in the parlor of some residence"
(5) A special disposition (as if from a divine source) to pursue a particular course
"He was disappointed that he had not heard the Call"
(6) A telephone connection
"She reported several anonymous calls"
"He placed a phone call to London"
"He heard the phone ringing but didn't want to take the call"
(7) An instruction that interrupts the program being executed
"Pascal performs calls by simply giving the name of the routine to be executed"
(8) The characteristic sound produced by a bird
"A bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age"
(9) A loud utterance; often in protest or opposition
"The speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience"
(10) A request
"Many calls for Christmas stories"
"Not many calls for buggywhips"
(11) A demand especially in the phrase "the call of duty"
(12) A demand for a show of hands in a card game
"After two raises there was a call"
(13) A demand by a broker that a customer deposit enough to bring his margin up to the minimum requirement
(14) Rouse somebody from sleep with a call
"I was called at 5 A.M. this morning"
(15) Consider or regard as being
"I would not call her beautiful"
(16) Challenge the sincerity or truthfulness of
"Call the speaker on a question of fact"
(17) Get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone
"I tried to call you all night"
"Take two aspirin and call me in the morning"
(18) Order, request, or command to come
"She was called into the director's office"
"Call the police!"
(19) Declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee
"Call a runner out"
(20) Challenge (somebody) to make good on a statement; charge with or censure for an offense
"He deserves to be called on that"
(21) Utter a sudden loud cry
"She cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle"
"I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me"
(22) Ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality
"He called me a bastard"
"She called her children lazy and ungrateful"
(23) Utter a characteristic note or cry
"Bluejays called to one another"
(24) Assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to
"They named their son David"
"The new school was named after the famous Civil Rights leader"
(25) Send a message or attempt to reach someone by radio, phone, etc.; make a signal to in order to transmit a message
"Hawaii is calling!"
"A transmitter in Samoa was heard calling"
From ; see also Old Norse .
- A telephone conversation.
- I received several phone calls today.
- I received several calls today.
- A social visit.
- I paid a call to a dear friend of mine.
- A cry or shout.
- He heard a call from the other side of the room.
- A decision or judgement.
- That was a good call.
- The characteristic cry of a bird or other animal.
- That sound is the distinctive call of the cuckoo bird.
- A beckoning or summoning.
- I had to yield to the call of the wild.
- : An option to buy stock at a specified price during or at a specified time.
- The act of calling to the other batsman.
- The state of being the batsman whose role it is to call (depends on where the ball goes.)
- An overnight duty in the hospital.
- The act of jumping to a subprogram, saving the means to return to the point.
- A statement of a particular state, or rule, made in many games such as bridge, craps, jacks, and so on.
- There was a 20 dollar bet on the table, and my call was 9.
- To request, summon, or beckon.
- That person is hurt, call for help!
- To cry or shout.
- I can't see you. Call out to me so I can find you.
- To contact by telephone.
- Why don't you call me in the morning.
- To pay a social visit.
- We could always call on a friend.
- To name or refer to.
- Why don't we dispense with the formalities. Please call me Al.
- (reflexively: to be called) Of a person, to have as one's name; of a thing, to have as its name.
- (of a batsman): To shout directions to the other batsman on whether or not they should take a run.
- (of a fielder): To shout to other fielders that he intends to take a catch (thus avoiding collisions.)
- : To match or equal the amount of poker chips in the pot as the player that bet.
- (with an object preceded by the preposition for) To require, demand.
- To state, or invoke a rule, in many games such as bridge, craps, jacks, and so on.
- My partner called 2 spades.
- To announce the early extinction of a debt by prepayment, usually at a premium.
- To demand repayment of a loan.
- To predict.
- He called twelve of the last three recessions.
- To declare in advance.
- The captains call the coin toss.
- To jump to (another part of a program) to perform some operation, returning to the original point on completion.