Bleed (film)
(1) Lose blood from one's body
(2) Draw blood
"In the old days, doctors routinely bled patients as part of the treatment"
(3) Drain of liquid or steam
"Bleed the radiators"
"The mechanic bled the engine"
(4) Be diffused
"These dyes and colors are guaranteed not to run"
(5) Get or extort (money or other possessions) from someone
"They bled me dry--I have nothing left!"
- To lose blood through an injured blood vessel.
- To let or draw blood from an animal.
- To take large amounts of money from.
- To steadily lose {something vital}.
- The company was bleeding talent.
- To spread from the intended location and stain the surrounding cloth or paper.
- To remove air bubbles from a pipe containing fluids.
- To bleed on; to make bloody.
- 1485, Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur, Book VIII:
- And so Sir Trystrames bledde bothe the over-shete and the neyther-shete, and the pylowes and the hede-shete.
- 1485, Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur, Book VIII:
- To show one's group loyalty by showing (its associated color) in one's blood.
- He was a devoted Vikings fan: he bled purple.