(1) Unusually good; outstanding
"A banner year for the company"
(2) Long strip of cloth or paper used for decoration or advertising
(3) A newspaper headline that runs across the full page
- A flag or standard used by a military commander, monarch or nation.
- Any large sign, especially if constructed of soft material or fabric.
- The mayor hung a banner across Main Street to commemorate the town's 100th anniversary.
- A large piece of silk or other cloth, with a device or motto, extended on a crosspiece, and borne in a procession, or suspended in some conspicuous place.
- By extension, a cause or purpose; a campaign or movement.
- They usually make their case under the banner of environmentalism.
- The title of a newspaper as printed on its front page; the nameplate; masthead.
- A type of advertisement in a web page or on television, usually taking the form of a graphic or animation above or alongside the content. Contrast popup, interstitial.
- The principal standard of a knight.
- A person etc. who bans something.
- Exceptional; very good.
- It is a banner achievement for an athlete to run a mile in under four minutes.