- of all; genitive form of al
- Tot op heden is Van Beethoven nog steeds één van de beroemdste en meest invloedrijke musici aller tijden. — Up to this day, Beethoven is still one of the most famous and most influential musicians of all times.
- Forms beginning with v from Latin vadere, those beginning with a from Latin ambulare and those beginning with i from Latin ire.
- To go.
- Nous devons aller à l'école. — “We must go to school.”
- J’irai au magasin. — “I will go to the store.”
- To be going (to); will soon;
- Il allait visiter sa famille. — “He was going to his family.”
- Je vais aller au magasin. — “I will go to the store.”
- To be (feeling)
- J'espère que tu vas bien. — “I hope you are well.”
- To fit (clothes etc)
See also
- Masculine nominative form of alles ("all", as in "all of you").
- Feminine dative form of alles.
- Feminine genitive form of alles.
- Plural genitive form of alles.