(1) The fourth caliph of Islam who is considered to be the first caliph by Shiites; he was a cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad; after his assassination Islam was divided into Shiite and Sunnite sects
(2) United States prizefighter who won the world heavyweight championship three times (born in 1942)
Proper noun
- , derived from the Arabic root `-l-y which means "paramount".
- The Muslim caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib, the rejection and assassination of whom, led to the schism between Sunni and Shiite branches. Arabic:(علي بن ابي طالب)
- A Muslim surname
- A diminutive of the female given names Alison, Alyson, Allyson or Allison, also spelled Allie.
See also
- Wikipedia list of people by name (section containing "Ali")