9 (New York City Subway service)
(1) Denoting a quantity consisting of one more than eight and one less than ten
(2) The cardinal number that is the sum of eight and one
- Western (Arabic) numerals: nine, 9
- Greek numerals: θʹ
- Roman numerals: IX
From Middle English from Old English , from , from .
Cardinal number
- The cardinal number occurring after eight and before ten. Ordinal: ninth.
- A cat has nine lives.
- Describing a set or group with nine components.
See also
- American Sign Language:
- Amharic numerals: ፱
- Arabic numerals: 9
- Armenian numerals: Թ
- Bengali numerals: ৯
- Chinese numerals: 玖, 九
- Eastern Arabic numerals:
- Greek numerals: θʹ
- Gujarati numerals: ૯
- Gurmukhi numerals: ੯
- Hindi numerals: ९
- Kannada numerals: ೯
- Khmer numerals: ៩
- Lao numerals: ໙
- Limbu numerals: ᥏
- Malayalam numerals: ൯
- Mongolian numerals: ᠙
- Myanmar numerals: ၉
- Oriya numerals: ୯
- Roman numerals: IX
- Tamil numerals: ௯
- Telugu numerals: ౯
- Thai numerals: ๙
- Tibetan numerals: ༩