Évelyne Lever
Évelyne Lever is a contemporary French historian and writer. She is married to a French historian, Maurice Lever, who is the author of Sade.

Lever was previously a research engineer at CNRS, and then began to focus more on 18th-century history. In particular, she focuses on certain people, including Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette ; 2 November 1755 – 16 October 1793) was an Archduchess of Austria and the Queen of France and of Navarre. She was the fifteenth and penultimate child of Holy Roman Empress Maria Theresa and Holy Roman Emperor Francis I....

 and Madame de Pompadour
Madame de Pompadour
Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour, also known as Madame de Pompadour was a member of the French court, and was the official chief mistress of Louis XV from 1745 to her death.-Biography:...


Marie Antoinette: The Last Queen of France was her first book to be published in the United States. It is less extensive than Lever's French version (Marie-Antoinette : la dernière reine), and was written specifically for an American audience.

She continues to write on and about 18th-century history.


  • 1792, les procès de Louis XVI et de Marie-Antoinette, Complexe
  • Louis XVIII, Fayard, 1988
  • Louis XVI, Fayard, 1991
  • Mémoires du baron de Breteuil, édition critique, Paris, François Bourin, 1992
  • Marie-Antoinette : la dernière reine, Gallimard, coll. "Découvertes", Paris, 2000
  • Madame de Pompadour: A Life, (with) Catherine Temerson, trad. by Catherine Temerson, St. Martin's Press, 2003
  • L'Affaire du Collier, Fayard, 2004
  • Les dernières noces de la monarchie. Louis XVI et Marie-Antoinette, Fayard, 2005
  • Lettres intimes (1778–1782) : Que je suis heureuse d'être ta femme, (written by) Marquis de Bombelles and Marquise de Bombelles, prefaced by Évelyne Lever, Tallandier, 2005
  • C'était Marie-Antoinette, Fayard, 2006
  • Marie-Antoinette, correspondance (1770–1793), edition established and presented by Évelyne Lever
  • Marie-Antoinette : Journal d'une reine, Tallandier, coll. "Texto", 2008
  • Le Chevalier d’Eon : « Une vie sans queue ni tête » , with Maurice Lever, Fayard, 2009

  • Marie Antoinette: The Last Queen of France, Farrar Straus Giroux, 2000
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