Znamensky District, Oryol Oblast
The Znamensky District is an administrative unit in the north-west of Oryol Oblast
Oryol Oblast
Oryol Oblast is a federal subject of Russia . Its administrative center is the city of Oryol. Population: -Geography:It is located in the southwestern part of the Central Federal District, in the Mid-Russian Highlands. Kaluga and Tula Oblasts border it in the north, Bryansk Oblast is located to...

 (Orel Oblast) in Russia. Its administrative center is the village of Znamenskoye. The district was organized in 1985.

The district's area is 817.1 km². The main rivers in the district are the Nugra and the Vytebet, a tributary of the Zhizdra
Zhizdra River
Zhizdra River is a river in Kaluga Oblast in Russia, Oka's left tributary. The length of the river is 223 km. The area of its basin is 9,170 km². the Zhizdra River freezes up in late November and stays icebound until early April. Its main tributaries are the Resseta, Vytebet, and Serena. The towns...

. The district's average height above sea level is 216 meters, with a high point of 255 meters and a low point of 176 meters. The time zone offset is UTC+3 (UTC+4 in summer).

There are 77 towns and villages, with a total population of 5,900 people (2008). The district is divided into 7 rural settlements:
  1. Glotovskoe rural settlement
  2. Zhdimirskoe rural settlement
  3. Znamenskoye rural settlement
  4. Koptevskaya rural settlement
  5. Krasnikovsky rural settlement
  6. Selihovskoe rural settlement
  7. Uzkinskoe rural settlement

The Orlovskoye Polesye
Orlovskoye Polesye
The Orlovskoye Polesye national park is a protected area in Russia.It is situated in the middle of the Central Russian Upland straddling the Znamensky and Khotynetsky districts of Oryol Oblast, of area 77,745 ha. In was established by a decree of the Russian Governmen no.6 of January 9, 1994....

 national park is partly located in the district.

The noted actor Ivan Pereverzev
Ivan Pereverzev
Ivan Pereverzev was a Soviet actor. He appeared in 47 films between 1940 and 1977.-Selected filmography:* It Happened in the Donbass * The Third Blow * Dream of a Cossack...

 (1914–1978), made a People's Artist of USSR in 1975, was born in the district, in the village of Kusminki.
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