Zhedna is a small village in western Bulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...

. It is located in the Municipality Radomir
Radomir is a town in the Pernik Province of Bulgaria with a population of about 16,503. It is located at .- History :The town was first mentioned in a 15th-century source as Uradmur. The current form appears for the first time in a source from 1488...

, Pernik Province
Pernik Province
-Religion:Religious adherence in the province according to 2001 census:-Ethnic groups:Ethnic groups in the province according to 2001 census:145 642 Bulgarians ,3 035 Roma  and 1155 others and unspecified .-Economy:...

. It is about 35 miles (56.3 km) away from the capital Sofia
Sofia is the capital and largest city of Bulgaria and the 12th largest city in the European Union with a population of 1.27 million people. It is located in western Bulgaria, at the foot of Mount Vitosha and approximately at the centre of the Balkan Peninsula.Prehistoric settlements were excavated...

.The population is 112 inhabitants (to 1 January 2007 - NSI). Demographic crisis and the negative natural increase determined relatively rapid pace of population decline. According to the census in 1880, the population of the village is 635 people. In 1910, this number is 899 people and 10 years later 884 people. Starting a lasting trend of population decline and in 1956, the his number is 601 people, and in 2001, the - 120 people. It is home to farmers and some elderly people.The Village has 3 Restaurants and a small local Market.


The age of the village is over 800 years old.It was first mentioned in a Turkish document of 1446 as a dress Yapudzhak. In 1570 in the village of 105 families live, the population numbered over 600 people and is the Kyustendil sandzhakbey Ha. Along with Radomir
Radomir is a town in the Pernik Province of Bulgaria with a population of about 16,503. It is located at .- History :The town was first mentioned in a 15th-century source as Uradmur. The current form appears for the first time in a source from 1488...

, Red Mound, Dica, Dren
Dren is a toponym and given name.It is a unisex name in Albanian culture, particularly common for males in Kosovo. The origin of this name may be from the Albanian word dre for deer....

, another Kondofrei and Willow is one of the oldest settlements in Radomir
Radomir is a town in the Pernik Province of Bulgaria with a population of about 16,503. It is located at .- History :The town was first mentioned in a 15th-century source as Uradmur. The current form appears for the first time in a source from 1488...

. There is also the time of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom. Greater detail on the history of Zhedna can read in the book of kraeveda Georgi Stoyanov Over the centuries until today, 800 years Zhedna village, Radomir.


Zhedna village falls in the region of sub Yuzhnokraishtenskata of Kraishtenska area. Situated in the southern part of the extensive Radomirsko field on the northern slope of the hills of Gologlavskite Koniavska-Milevsky mountain range. Rises from the southwest hill Kolosh. The village is situated at the beginning of the pass through Koniavska mountain town of Bobov Dol.Transport is very well designed. Buses with the direction Zhedna-Sofia depart three times daily. The distance to Sofia in the bus is about 35 miles (56.3 km).
Winter is cold and cool summer. Due to constant circulation of air masses through the gorge of Bobov Dol, the climate is very favorable for the treatment of patients with asthma and other respiratory diseases. The village is suitable for air-conditioning treatment, as demonstrated by studies of air masses in the past.
The village is supplied with water by 1958, the and electricity by 1946, the Are built irrigation and drainage systems on land which is not currently exploited.
The soils are mainly black earth-Stafanovo, forest soils, and near river valleys and alluvial-meadow. Forests are oak and pine (artificially afforested).
In the land of the village there are deposits of brown coal, which until recently operated by mine Ivan Roussev "at the Bobov Dol mines.


Several major tourist attractions can be mentioned in the town’s surroundings, like Dupnitsa about 21 km, Kyustendil about 27 km, Pernik about 22 km, , Cherno killer about 30 km, Bojanský Church about 35 km, Dragalevtsi Monastery about 37 km, Lučani (Serbia) about 48 km, Samokov about 49 km, Sofia about 56 km, cloister Rilsky about 44 km, Borovets (Bulgaria), about 55 km, Current Kobilje (Serbia) about 61 km,AND Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria) about 46 km.The nearest international airport Sofia International Airport which is situated about 38 miles (61.2 km) from the town of Zhedna.


Religion is wholly Orthodox Christianity.
  • Church St. Demetrios Mirotochets.

The place where the church was built was donated by family Dzhaferovi. For building and taken special permission from Turkish authorities. Restrictions on its size was not because the village mosque, no competitor. The church was built with voluntary work for the population. Two brothers, builders and craftsmen Stoyu Nove Lubenov Yovichkovi. The door stands the inscription: "1862 Master Stoyu Zhedna pp. Remember me, Lord, master of the wrong fellow churches in the kingdom of the Sultan Abdul. The church was opened in 1862, the After 1961, the church is served by the village priest Klenovik. In 1979, the Church art was declared a cultural monument, but needs strengthening and major reconstruction. It is a renewal of the murals.
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