Zhang Guoqiang
Zhang Guoqiang is a Chinese
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...



Zhang was born to a family of entertainers. His mother's grandfather was a famous Pingju
Pingju is a form of local Chinese opera from northern China. It originated in Tangshan, Hebei, near the city of Tianjin.The term Píngjù was also formerly used to refer to Beijing opera.-External links:*...

 (a kind of Chinese folk opera) performer. His parents were also opera performers.

Personal life

Zhang Guoqiang has one son.

Zhang Guoqiang has maintained strong friendships with fellow Soldiers' Sortie and My Chief, My Regiment cast members, such as Zhang Yi (张译), Duan Yihong (段奕宏) and Chen Sicheng
Chen Sicheng
Chen Sicheng is a Chinese actor. He graduated from the Central Academy of Drama, and has a leading role in the 2009 film Spring Fever.- External links :...

 (陈思成), as well as with director Kang Honglei (康洪雷). He is in charge of organizing cast-and-crew reunions during off-time in Beijing.

External links

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