Zerconopsis is a genus of mite
Mites, along with ticks, are small arthropods belonging to the subclass Acari and the class Arachnida. The scientific discipline devoted to the study of ticks and mites is called acarology.-Diversity and systematics:...

s in the family Ascidae
Ascidae is a family of mites in the order Mesostigmata.-Genera:* Aceoseius Sellnick, 1941 * Adhaerenseius G. C. Loots & P. D. Theron, 1992 * Africoseius Krantz, 1962 * Anephiasca Athias-Henriot, 1969...

, characterised by the presence of paddle-shaped seta
Seta is a biological term derived from the Latin word for "bristle". It refers to a number of different bristle- or hair-like structures on living organisms.-Animal setae:In zoology, most "setae" occur in invertebrates....

e on the back.


  • Zerconopsis heilongjiangensis Ma & Yin, 1998
  • Zerconopsis muestairi (Schweizer, 1949)
  • Zerconopsis pristis Halliday, Walter & Lindquist, 1998
  • Zerconopsis remiger (Kramer, 1876)
  • Zerconopsis slovacus Masan, 1998
  • Zerconopsis yichunensis Ma & Yin, 1998
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