Zentral-Dombauverein zu Köln von 1842

Cologne Cathedral
Cologne Cathedral is a Roman Catholic church in Cologne, Germany. It is the seat of the Archbishop of Cologne and the administration of the Archdiocese of Cologne. It is renowned monument of German Catholicism and Gothic architecture and is a World Heritage Site...
, one of the most important Gothic
Gothic architecture
Gothic architecture is a style of architecture that flourished during the high and late medieval period. It evolved from Romanesque architecture and was succeeded by Renaissance architecture....
buildings and churches globally and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and continues to ensure the never-ending restoration and maintenance of the Cathedral
A cathedral is a Christian church that contains the seat of a bishop...
Heine and the Winter's Tale
The most famous reference to the ZDV is in Heinrich HeineHeinrich Heine
Christian Johann Heinrich Heine was one of the most significant German poets of the 19th century. He was also a journalist, essayist, and literary critic. He is best known outside Germany for his early lyric poetry, which was set to music in the form of Lieder by composers such as Robert Schumann...
's satirical poem, Germany. A Winter's Tale (Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen, 1844) chapter IV. Heine sees the Cologne Cathedral as a monument to Catholicism and un-Germanness, Christian intolerance, and Cologne as a truly bad city, and calls the promoters, including the Prussians and their King, confused and counter-productive. Since he does so in superb and witty poetry - the Winter's Tale is generally acknowledged to be the high-point of lyrical satire in German -, the criticism has endured and is very striking. For Heine, the non-completion of the Cathedral is the "monument to Germany's power and Protestant mission".
- You poor fools from the Domverein,
- You want, with weak hands,
- Complete the interrupted work
- And to complete the old fortress!
The ZDV is one of the very few associations that does not have to conform to the German Vereinsrecht (laws concerning NGO's), because it predates these laws. In fact, the ZDV is still governed according to the cabinet order of 8 December 1841 by the King of Prussia, Frederick William IV, who also was its first patron.Today, the ZDV has over 10,000 members and a board of 40, of which 10 are replaced every 4 years. Membership is completely open, but it is still considered prestigious, especially in the Rhineland. Membership in the board is a good indicator that one belongs to the most wealthy and most respected insiders of Cologne, which is well-known for its governance by a closed elite (Kölscher Klüngel). It is denoted by a small golden lapel pin showing the cathedral's facade and the letters ZDV. Members with a Wikipedia entry are listed at :Category:Members of the Zentrale Dombauverein zu Köln von 1842.
The cost to complete the cathedral, between 1842 and 1880, which was not an effort by the Catholic Church but by Protestant Prussia and the Cologne, Rhineland, and German citizens, amounted to US$ 1 billion (always in today's currency). Of this, one-third was paid by the State of Prussia, and two-thirds by the ZDV. Another US$ 1 billion was paid to "unveil" the Cathedral, i.e. to purchase the houses around it and make it possible to view it from all sides; of this amount, half was financed by the ZDV. Much of the Verein's income derived from a special lottery, the Dombaulotterie.Today, the annual budget of the Cathedral, which amounts to appr. US$ 3,5 million, is financed by half by the ZDV. The income comes from membership fees, donations, bequests, fines (German judges can order that fines in civil cases are paid to the ZDV), and especially a Federal lottery.
Legally, the Cathedral belongs to itself, not to the Catholic Church or the Archbishop
An archbishop is a bishop of higher rank, but not of higher sacramental order above that of the three orders of deacon, priest , and bishop...
; not even to the Metropolitan Chapter, which administers it based on the legal fiction that it has been charged with this by the Cathedral.