as well as a film
that was based on the book. Two boys are drawn into an intergalactic
adventure when their house is magically hurled through space. The plot is similar to Jumanji
, another illustrated book by Van Allsburg, and references are made, both visual and textual, to Jumanji.
Two quarrelsome brothers, Walter and Danny Budwing, find the game in a nearby park.
[to Walter] You're such a dick.
[card reads 'Flunk Space Academy, Go Back 2 Spaces'] I'm not even going to comment on that.
Times change.
(to a robot) Bring me a juice box, bee-yotch!
Everything's your fault, it's your fault Mom and Dad got divorced!
Still think I have gorgeous eyes?
A new adventure from the world of Jumanji.
Adventure is waiting.