Zarhok is a small village in Sogdiyskoy area of the Republic Tadzhikistan. It is located in the foothills of the Turkestan Range
Turkestan Range
One of the westernmost extensions of the massive Tian Shan system, the Turkestan Range stretches for a total length of 340 km from the Alay Mountains on the border of Kyrgyzstan with Tajikistan to the Samarkand oasis in Uzbekistan...

, on the river Isfara
Isfara is a city in Sughd Province in northern Tajikistan, situated on the border with Kyrgyzstan. It has a population of 40,600 . The city is capital of Isfara district.-History:...

. It is in the centre of the largest fruit and vegetable producing region in Tajikistan.. Zarhok is located in south-east part Sogdiyskoy area. Vposelke бытует исфаринский idiom of the tadzhik language. Geographically Zarhok logins Turkestan Range
Turkestan Range
One of the westernmost extensions of the massive Tian Shan system, the Turkestan Range stretches for a total length of 340 km from the Alay Mountains on the border of Kyrgyzstan with Tajikistan to the Samarkand oasis in Uzbekistan...

, which is bordered on south-west Fergana Valley
Fergana Valley
The Fergana Valley or Farghana Valley is a region in Central Asia spreading across eastern Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Divided across three subdivisions of the former Soviet Union, the valley is ethnically diverse, and in the early 21st century was the scene of ethnic conflict...

. Administrative-territorial fission of the village: Administrative centre Zarhok. The Population basically concerns with the agricultures, торговлей and stock-breeding. Has one general school, FAP and collective farm, which in turn comprise of itself several groups of ten дехканских facilities. The Main agricultural culture pat. Also grow all types vegetable, mellon and fruit of the cultures. The Managerial system is considered site (the Village soviet). The Chairman jamoat is fixed by Executive Organ State Authorities Isfara region and advice the most old.

Zarhok is located in the south-east Sughd
Sughd Province is one of the four administrative divisions and one of the three provinces that make up Tajikistan. Centered in the historical Sogdiana, it is located in the northwest of the country, with an area of some 25,400 square kilometers and a population of 2,132,100 , up from 1,870,000...

 Viloyat (region), bordering Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan , officially the Republic of Uzbekistan is a doubly landlocked country in Central Asia and one of the six independent Turkic states. It shares borders with Kazakhstan to the west and to the north, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to the east, and Afghanistan and Turkmenistan to the south....

 and Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan , officially the Kyrgyz Republic is one of the world's six independent Turkic states . Located in Central Asia, landlocked and mountainous, Kyrgyzstan is bordered by Kazakhstan to the north, Uzbekistan to the west, Tajikistan to the southwest and China to the east...



Zarhok is surrounded by high mountains of various colours and a wide variety of flora and fauna.
Zarhok surround the high varicoloured mountains. The Nature Zarhoka very varied. From the general particularities animal world Zarhoka follows to note his(its) different genetic composition. The Fauna of the mountains rich man flat and contains the significant number european-siberian and восточноазиатских element. In fauna low-lying hot desert much elements индомалайского, ethiopian and средиземноморского of the origin. So fauna Zarhoka impossible to consider within united зоогеографической of the subregions though territory sowed;sown wholly falls into палеарктическую area. The Other particularity animal world in that that in him other эндемиков and he portioned unevenly on territory and on vertical belt, as it were repeating itself зональность climatic n soil-botanical conditions. The General ecological conditions to lifes in them this high year temperatures, scanty vegetation, defect влаги in ground and midair. The Typical representative here are gray is boilled, cobra, sandy эфа, удавчик steepe, ушастая круглоголовка, сцинковый геккон, dart-snake, deserted and crested lark, саксаульный sparrow, buzzard, crow blackenning, thrush black, egyptian vulture, чернобрюхий ripples, bustard-beauty, steepe kestrel, deserted partridge, cat пятнистая, топкопалый gopher, sanderlings, jerboas, hare толай, vixen and джейран. It Is Varied and the world invertebrate animal, first of all insect desert. Of them typical some types of the flies, hummed, os мизинид, мутиллид, ant, butterfly-гипермнестров, formic львов, bug, червецов, щитовок, тлей n листоблошек. There are many types саранчовых, таракановых and паукообразных. The most typical of fauna of the sandy desert syrian piligrimage (Rivetina syriacae), tadzhik piligrimage амблитеспис, grasshoppers Ammoxenulus pavlovskii, A desertus, cricket cophaphonus z.imini, саранчовые Diexis bucnaricus, D gussakovskii, shade of the sort Xerophi-laphis, Brachyunguis, перепончатокрылые мутиллида sandy, on bug caspian sandy чернотелка n others Multiform world animal in тугаях, forming together with vegetation of the river flood plains typical биоценоз. For fauna insect typical some types тлей, червецов, щитовок, and bug-листоедов. In river of the flat part of republic meet uzh common, амударынский лопатонос, быстрянка, красноперка, carp, храмуля, man with mustache, sheatfish. From grovelling wide-spread steepe terrapin and steepe агама, желтопузик; from млекопитающих-porcupine, эаяц-толай, gopher, краснохвостая and big sanderling, vixen and others In fauna of the birds of this belt typical type follows to consider the chile, jackdaw, several typical representatives воробьиных. The Insect here specific in connection with feeding on determined plants. For instance, types листоблошек, тлей, cicadas and bug, живущие on pistachio. From млекопитающих here dwell the timber mouse, timber dormouse, туркестанская rat, stone marten, bear, badger, weasel, ermine, here calls at the porcupine, vixen, wolf; from birds partridge, вяхирь, big turtledove, forty, oriole common, eagle owl, tawny owl, eagle-dwarves and other day predators. From воробьиных follows to note тимелию, белогорлого and красношейного nightingale others is Much varied a world insect. Amongst them typical: row type тлей, живущих on honeysuckle, barberry, rowanberry, birch and other wood and кустарниковых sort, beside 100 types червецов and щитовок, types of the moths, unpaired and кольчатый silkworms, златогузка, horsemans, flies, белокрылая cicada. Bogomolovye is presented эндемиками (варзобская реветина and амблитеспис кондаринский). Here typical also горчаковая, ферулевая нематоды and row type мермитид, живущих in tele water insect. Before 60-h dwelt such wild animals, as lynx, foxes, tigers, deer, bear(have last seen in 20-h gg. Hix age) and many others.


On shaping the climate Tadzhikistana, including Zarhoka big influence render same air masses, which invade on territory of the CENTRAL ASIA and define the nature and change the weather. The Fallout of the precipitation in Zarhoka and on the whole territory Ferganskoy valleys is basically connected with cyclonic activity and nature laying under surfaces. The Main role in fallout of the precipitation play south-caspian, мургабский and верхнеамударьинский cyclones, as well as masses of the cool air, moving with west, northwest and north. Reaching frontal surface of the mountains, received air masses rise on this surfaces, are coolled and get the additional effect for forming cloud and fallouts of the precipitation. All are these air masses poach on limits Ferganskoy valleys with west and south-west, but on its way they face with west and south-west declivity mountain хребтов North Tadzhikistana and they get more precipitation, than leeward declivities, межгорные of the valley and hollows. So, on windward declivity Zeravshanskogo, Turkestanskogo and Kuraminskogo хребтов rainfall for year forms more than 400 800 mm. This is confirmed that that at winter period in these mountain region is formed deep snow cover, with than is bound slope of the avalanches at spring period. On measure of the motion вглубь mountain country these air masses reach the internal territory, powerfully impoverished влагой in consequence of which межгорные of the valley and deep hollows get much little precipitations. In Zarhoke annual rainfall falls out: at cool period of the year 87 mms, but the most their amount March and April months (25-27 mms); the least at year months (9-11 mms, авг.). As a rule, precipitation(draft) in the manner of snow fall out under negative temperature only. In Zarhoka firm snow cover is absent in 20 % winters, but in 31-0 % winters is not formed quite. Here height of the snow cover only at February at the average reaches 1-3 refer to, but at rest time of the year is absent. The Most decade height of the snow cover was noted in the third декаде February 4-7 refer to Average date of the appearance of the snow cover accounts for December 15, but the most early for October 31. The Number of the days with snow cover exactly 21. The Warm weather: Climate continental, roast summer and sparingly cool winter. The Temperature of the air at the average +27 С at July and -3 C at January. Srednegodovoe rainfall forms 200 500 mm. Snowfall: continental Climate: январские of the temperature beside 0 vary in valley , in высокогорьях are lowered before -27 C, july temperatures vary from 23 before 30 C. The Precipitation on plain falls out 150 300 mms per annum, but above 1000 m on sea level 700 mms and more (before 3000 mms in высокогорьях).


The most largest city were situated In Ferganskoy valley to central Asia such as Hudzhand, Namangan, Andizhan, Kokand and Isfara. Zarhok was a valley through which passed the silk way, which interfaced the China, Asia with Russia and Europe. Zarhok is considered one of древнейших sowed;sown Isfarinskogo region. For the first time village was named Zarhok in XII age in histories Tabari , as place of the reference disagreeable декканов, t.k this place was for с/хозяйства unfit. The Period of the development of the economy and cultures Zarhok are connected with entering her(it) in composition state Samanidov. In Tadzhik republic Zarhok fell into composition Hodzhentskogo neighborhood Kanibadanskogo region at October 1928. In 1 July 1932 was included in Isfarinskogo region. 1949 mass transmigration of the population in Pahtobod for irrigation of the virgin land and cultivition cotton plant. In the course of this transmigrations, organized soviet power, in village remains 4 families. 1950 return resettled. The Transmigrations Mountain Matches in steppe including in Zarhok in 1956.В 60-h through village have conducted ж/дорогу and have built the station on place impenetrable jungal. In 1972 1973 constructions average общеоброзовательной schools 48. 1979 1989гг Afghanistani war. The First victim from village - a warrior-интернационалист Raupova Kambarali in 15.11.1985 1985 begin mastering Siberian нефтегазовых месторождений under beginning Mamatkulova Abdusattora, Ashurova Mukimdzhona and others 1998год begin эммигреции of the population in Russia in purpose earnings. 1999 murder Mamatkulova Abdusattora its countryman in Bright. 2000 begin determination of the mine barriers on tadzhik-uzbek border by uzbek sides. 23 2004г March not legal debarkation uzbek comando on territory of the village. 25.12 2009 first victims on tadzhik-uzbek border. The Spouses 37-year Oybek Ibragimov and 35 year Zarifa Karimova during stocking up дров in vicinity of the village подорвались on mine.


We shall Begin with that that tadzhiks very ancient nation. Consequently, culture of this folk on-persisting original and leaves the root in deep antiquity. The Tadzhiks were able to save to traditions and custom of its folk, on which, in turn, and is built whole cultural life to nations. Kulitovye buildings and discoveries, being indicative of prosperring cultural development pertain to VI - V vv. before n. e. This artistic products from metal, stone, terra cottas. But what splendid sample of the architecture present itself ancient mosques! Their become painting this persisting works of art. The Tadzhiks always strove;strived to cognition of the world. And experience this reflected in science, literature, art. Particularly with a quiver, the tadzhiks pertain to its native language. A Millennium they carefully kept him(it), sending from generation in generation, like relics, not distorting and is not grafted nothing foreign. The Arabic conquerors have practically deleted the original language a tadzhik - a grants. However, tadzhik to manage to return him былое grandeur. And on him newly зазвучали true masterpieces tadzhik classicists: fiction, canto, scientific disquisitions and others system of writing. All this speaks of that that tadzhik always was a characteristic pulling to culture, art, the whole beautiful, эстетичному, fine and graceful. They were always enlightened by folk, воспевающим its vision of the world. But culmination of the cultural development of tadzhik folk became the period of the rule state Samanidov (874-1005 n.e.), particularly time of the rule Ismaila Samani. In this moment by splendid colour blooms the science, literature, astronomy, mathematics, естествознание, философия. Ismail Samani, being образованнейшим person, created in its state of the happy circumstanceses for cultural bloom. This time else name Gold(en) age to tadzhik civilization . The best scientist were collected At courtyard Ismaila Samani, writers, philosophers, poets, astronomers, painter, alchemists. The Door palace always were open for guests, bring news of the development of the world culture. The Village is one of the centre of the culture Ferganskoy valleys. Here were born and veins to such figures of the culture, connoisseur of the classical music Hasanov Pirmuhammad, prominent teachers Rahmatov Abdullodzhon, Kodirov Kosimchon. The Big contribution to development sowed;sown contributed Hudoynazarov Sohibnazar, grayish blue Ashurov Muminchon,veterans VOV Kodirov Nozimdzhon,Holmatov Todzhiddin,Isoev Madolimdzhon ,Sodikov Mamaysuf,Kodirov Rasuldzhon,Supihodzha Turahodzhaev,Diyanbekov Isroildzhon,Ashurmatov Abdushukur, and many others. Now leads activity such known vaudeville singer Ismolichon Diyanbekov, нефтяник Salted Gafurchon,group Hoki Zarin, public actors of the Republic Tadzhikistan sisters Mayram and Sayram Isoevy. RECOGNIZED PUBLIC HOLIDAY: 1 January New year on March 8 International feminine day of the March 21-22 Navruz (New year) 9 May Day of the victory on June 27 Day national unity and consents on September 9 Day to independence RT November 6 Day to Constitutions RT Go Ramazon 1 day annual (on calendar) Go Kurbon 1 day annual (on calendar)
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