Yuka Nishigaki
is a seiyū
Voice acting in Japan has far greater prominence than in most other countries. Japan's large animation industry produces 60% of the animated series in the world; as a result, Japanese voice actors, or , are able to achieve fame on a national and international level.Besides acting as narrators and...
- Allison & LilliaAllison & Lilliais a Japanese television anime series adapted from the light novel series Allison and Lillia and Treize by Keiichi Sigsawa. The anime, produced by Madhouse and directed by Masayoshi Nishida, aired in Japan on the NHK television network between April 3 and October 2, 2008, and ran for 26 episodes...
as First-year student (ep 1); Matthew (ep 5) - Ghost HoundGhost Houndis an anime TV series, created by Production I.G and Masamune Shirow, noted for being the creator of the Ghost in the Shell series. The original concept and design was first developed by Shirow in 1987...
as Female student (ep 1) - Inazuma ElevenInazuma Elevenis a role-playing and sports video game for the Nintendo DS developed and published by Level-5. It was released on August 22, 2008 in Japan. A European release was confirmed by Nintendo and was released on January 29, 2011, three years after the Japanese release...
as Ichirouta Kazemaru, Marco Maserati - Macross FrontierMacross Frontieris a Japanese animated science fiction space drama that aired in Japan on MBS from April 3, 2008 to September 25, 2008. It is the most recent Japanese anime television series set in the Macross universe. Animated by Satelight, premiered Japan on MBS on April 3, 2008...
as Female student B (ep 5) - Mobile Suit Gundam 00Mobile Suit Gundam 00is an anime TV series, the eleventh incarnation of Sunrise's long-running Gundam franchise consisting of two seasons. It is directed by Seiji Mizushima and written by Yōsuke Kuroda, and features character designs by Yun Kōga. The twenty-five episode season was officially announced by Sunrise...
as Setsuna F Seiei (Young) - Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: A wakening of the Trailblazer as Amia Lee, Neferu Naguib
- Nabari no ŌNabari no Ois a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yuhki Kamatani. The series premiered in Japan in Monthly GFantasy in 2004 ended serialization in 2010. Square Enix is also publishing the individual chapters in collected volumes with fourteen volumes released as of February 2011. The series has...
as Student (ep 14) - Peach GirlPeach Girlis a Japanese shōjo manga series by Miwa Ueda. It was published in Japan by Kodansha in Bessatsu Friend from 1998 to 2003 and collected in 18 volumes...
as female student (ep 6); female student/follower B (eps 1-5, 8, 12, 13, 20) - PokémonPokémonis a media franchise published and owned by the video game company Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1996. Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing video games developed by Game Freak, Pokémon has since become the second most successful and lucrative video...
Fushigi no Dungeon: Toki no Tankentai, Yami no Tankentai as Korinku (Older Brother) - Sasami: Magical Girl Club as Toshihiko "Monta" Saruta