Yon Ill Wind
Plot summary
Hurricane Happy Bottom is causing problems in Mundania and Xanth.The Mundane Baldwin family is blown into Xanth by a Yon Ill Wind.
Also, Demon X(A/N)th has made a deal with Demon JU(P/I)ter that he could get one Xanthian to shed
a tear. The demons change up by making X(A/N)th into a dragon ass and is only able to talk once explaining to a Xanthian what the quest is. As Nimby, Demon X(A/N)th meets Chlorine and makes her beautiful and talented. Together with the Baldwin family, they must banish Happy Bottom From Xanth.
Characters in Yon Ill Wind
Nimby-The Demon X(A/N)TH for the duration of the novel. His natural form is a dragon ass, with the head of a donkey, the body of a dragon. His name stands for Not In My Back Yard, an apt description of where he is welcome in his natural form(i.e., nowhere). He is granted speech for one moment, is bound to the first person he associates with, and can act only at the directives of that person. He must remain so until that person sheds a tear for him.Chlorine-The companion of Nimby. She was accidentally chosen when Nimby was trying to get a woman, Miss Fortune, whose talent is to make things go wrong. Chlorine's talent is to poison water.
The Baldwin Family-A mundane family that was brought into Xanth by the "tropical storm" later to be hurricane Gladus, a.k.a Happy Bottom. Jim Baldwin-Father Mary Baldwin-Mother Sean Baldwin-The eldest child (17) David Baldwin-Middle Child (12) and Karen Baldwin- Youngest Child (6).
Balwin Pets-Woofer, dog, his master is Sean. Midrange, cat, his master is David. Tweeter, Parakeet, his master is Karen.
Willow Elf-A large winged elf from a big winged tree. Bathed in a love spring with Sean after saving his life. The fell in love and she was given a pass, by Good Magician Humfrey to enter and leave Xanth so she could be with Sean.