A yod is a rare astrological aspect involving any celestial body of astrological importance. In astrology
a yod is said to form whenever one planet forms quincunxes (150° aspects) to another two planets that are separated by only a sextile (60° aspect). If each point of the yod were traced across an astrological chart it would appear as a "Y" shape on any axis. The two planets in sextile are in a complementary relationship while the quincuxed planet is completely incompatible with the sextile planets, sharing neither gender, element, or mode (though the ruler of the planet and house should be also considered). This aspect activates either a powerful conduit of energy, or a deeply-felt block, in the direction of the quincuxed planet. The quincuxed planet is pulling in an opposite direction from the other two in a harmonious sextile, so close attention with other aspects, houses, planet, rulers, and chart locations must all be examined.
Raised or multi-aspected planets within the yod can produce oddball situations and personalities and should be examined carefully. Viewing the yod as an exchange of positive forces around a mediating middle (though oppositional) planet can also be a useful approach. The quincuxed planet will either act as a conduit of energy or as a profound and deeply-felt block. This aspect can produce a heightened direction of energy in the chart which may also oscillate between bifurbicated states or situated personalities. A planetary opposition to the quincuxed planet of the yod can be maleific, or can produce situations of dramatic reversal. The Midpoint of the sextile is also a very sensitive point in the chart, as transiting planets, when conjunct this Midpoint, will then be in opposition to the quincunxed planet. This situation can trigger major events and the true power of the Yod will then be realized. Multiple sextiles and trines involving yod planets can be extremely beneficial and thus spread the energy of this aspect in one side of the chart or produce a focal point for intense energies on the other side of the chart hence the yod is the most difficult natal chart aspect to interpret and requires a great aptitude in astrological interpretation to divine accurately.
A hypothetical example of a yod would be with Jupiter at 11° Pisces quincunxing Mars at 11° Leo and the Sun at 11° Libra. The conflict arises between the worldly, sociable character of Leo and Libra which tend to seek inspiration in the world, versus the introverted, unworldly character of Pisces which is too sensitive to be able to cope with worldly life and aims to work in the background serving others. These energies do not interact and hence this hypothetical native would possess great difficulty making the choice between serving others and seeking inspiration on the social stage. Another interpretation of this example may be that of the mystic or performer who engages in contemplative activity in public view. Any interpretation however, without considering the whole chart, must be cautioned.
Note in the example above that Jupiter is in a female sign, while the Sun and Mars are both in male signs. Jupiter is also in a mutable water sign, while the Sun is in a cardinal air sign and Mars in a fixed fire sign. Jupiter shares neither gender, element, or mode with the two planets that aspect it in quincunx. This complete lack of commonality of Jupiter to the two sextile planets illustrates how the Yod triggers an irritating situation that can only be overcome through adaptation and discovering of new paths. If there are no other aspect outlets to Jupiter (such as forming a trine or sextile to another planet), a transiting planet in opposition to Jupiter and conjunct the Midpoint of the sextile planets can trigger major life events which are difficult to handle and take great creativity to overcome. It is for this that the Yod is often called the "Finger of God", for it takes great initiatve and fortitude to overcome the limitations created by the Yod, but great rewards can result when done so.
An example of a golden yod would be with the Sun at 20° Cancer, Uranus at 8° Taurus and Jupiter at 14° Sagittarius.
Astrology consists of a number of belief systems which hold that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world...
a yod is said to form whenever one planet forms quincunxes (150° aspects) to another two planets that are separated by only a sextile (60° aspect). If each point of the yod were traced across an astrological chart it would appear as a "Y" shape on any axis. The two planets in sextile are in a complementary relationship while the quincuxed planet is completely incompatible with the sextile planets, sharing neither gender, element, or mode (though the ruler of the planet and house should be also considered). This aspect activates either a powerful conduit of energy, or a deeply-felt block, in the direction of the quincuxed planet. The quincuxed planet is pulling in an opposite direction from the other two in a harmonious sextile, so close attention with other aspects, houses, planet, rulers, and chart locations must all be examined.
Raised or multi-aspected planets within the yod can produce oddball situations and personalities and should be examined carefully. Viewing the yod as an exchange of positive forces around a mediating middle (though oppositional) planet can also be a useful approach. The quincuxed planet will either act as a conduit of energy or as a profound and deeply-felt block. This aspect can produce a heightened direction of energy in the chart which may also oscillate between bifurbicated states or situated personalities. A planetary opposition to the quincuxed planet of the yod can be maleific, or can produce situations of dramatic reversal. The Midpoint of the sextile is also a very sensitive point in the chart, as transiting planets, when conjunct this Midpoint, will then be in opposition to the quincunxed planet. This situation can trigger major events and the true power of the Yod will then be realized. Multiple sextiles and trines involving yod planets can be extremely beneficial and thus spread the energy of this aspect in one side of the chart or produce a focal point for intense energies on the other side of the chart hence the yod is the most difficult natal chart aspect to interpret and requires a great aptitude in astrological interpretation to divine accurately.
A hypothetical example of a yod would be with Jupiter at 11° Pisces quincunxing Mars at 11° Leo and the Sun at 11° Libra. The conflict arises between the worldly, sociable character of Leo and Libra which tend to seek inspiration in the world, versus the introverted, unworldly character of Pisces which is too sensitive to be able to cope with worldly life and aims to work in the background serving others. These energies do not interact and hence this hypothetical native would possess great difficulty making the choice between serving others and seeking inspiration on the social stage. Another interpretation of this example may be that of the mystic or performer who engages in contemplative activity in public view. Any interpretation however, without considering the whole chart, must be cautioned.
Note in the example above that Jupiter is in a female sign, while the Sun and Mars are both in male signs. Jupiter is also in a mutable water sign, while the Sun is in a cardinal air sign and Mars in a fixed fire sign. Jupiter shares neither gender, element, or mode with the two planets that aspect it in quincunx. This complete lack of commonality of Jupiter to the two sextile planets illustrates how the Yod triggers an irritating situation that can only be overcome through adaptation and discovering of new paths. If there are no other aspect outlets to Jupiter (such as forming a trine or sextile to another planet), a transiting planet in opposition to Jupiter and conjunct the Midpoint of the sextile planets can trigger major life events which are difficult to handle and take great creativity to overcome. It is for this that the Yod is often called the "Finger of God", for it takes great initiatve and fortitude to overcome the limitations created by the Yod, but great rewards can result when done so.
Golden Yod
Related to the Yod, though much less inharmonious and more rarely noticed, is the golden yod. A golden yod occurs when one planet forms biquintiles (144° aspect) to two others separated by a quintile (72° aspect). Because these aspects are seen as benefic, the golden yod is seen as benefic and often as reflecting characteristics acquired by the person whose chart contains it. Those few astrologers who have studied it regard it as an extremely creatively charged aspect good for artistic skill, especially as quintiles and biquintiles are frequently linked with Neptune.An example of a golden yod would be with the Sun at 20° Cancer, Uranus at 8° Taurus and Jupiter at 14° Sagittarius.